DIVE!! Episode 1 Review



If you had any doubts that this was a complete rip-off of the popular series Free!, I’m here to tell you that it absolutely is with some minor changes. While the first episode certainly isn’t bad, the animation is still quite lackluster and the plot a bit stale in comparison to the many other sports anime showing this season that had way more interesting opening episodes.

The young protagonist discovers a dive club while walking his dog one day and this changes the course of his life. Fast forward to current times and he has become a rather good diver, but still hasn’t become a match for his idol, who he constantly steals glances with (here we go again). Diving is constantly on his mind, so much so that he constantly ignores his girlfriend who he seems to be dating out of pity and for bragging rights. He does continually question why he said yes to her in the first place, and then just kind of leaves it at that. Not ok, buddy.

The rest of the episode doesn’t stand out that much. There are rumors that the head coach (the star diver’s dad) is having an affair with a young woman because she “has big boobs” (/headdesk) when it is revealed that she will be their new coach with the goal of the Tokyo Olympics on her mind. I really hope she is as badass as they portrayed her at the end of this episode and I also hope we don’t have any fanservice so as to undermine her authority. I suppose we’ll just have to wait and see.


P.S. Yes, I used a Free! gif as the featured image. Bet you couldn’t even tell.


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